Legislative Update 3-9-06
On Wednesday, March 8th members of AMFA Local 33 attended a hearing at the state Capitol of the Senate Sub Committee on Jobs, Energy, and Community Development to provide testimony on Senate Bill 2702 sponsored by State Senator Ellen Anderson. This bill would finally release retraining and unemployment insurance benefits to the Technicians and Inspectors in Minnesota that have lost their jobs after being replaced by Northwest Airlines. Giving testimony were AMFA Local 33 President Ted Ludwig, MSP Technician Kevin Horgan, Lynn Stetler wife of MSP Technician Mike Stetler, Duluth Technician Todd Messner and his wife Jody. Our issue was the first one on the agenda for the hearing, and those speaking provided clear and sometimes heart moving testimony on our situation. After a period of questions and discussion the committee voted to move the bill to the Senate floor for an upcoming vote (date to be announced).
This is the first step in our journey for benefits. From there we will go on to the House Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity and Finance for another hearing before it can be sent to the house for a final vote, and then on to the Governor for signing. I would like to thank our speakers, and all the members that attended the hearing. But as I said, we still have a long way to go. Everyone must contact their Senator and House Representative asking that they support this very important bill.
Use the template below to write your congressperson. Copy and paste into your word processor or email and fill in specific personal information. Thank you.
Representative _____________
____ State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155-1606
_____ Capitol Building
St. Paul, MN 55155-1606
Dear Representative or Senator____________________:
I am writing to ask for your help regarding the mechanics who have lost their jobs at Northwest Airlines. These men and women have been without a job since August 20, 2005, when Northwest Airlines forced them into a strike. Northwest Airlines has publicly and privately said there are no more jobs available for the mechanics at the carrier. If there are no longer any jobs for these individuals, then it is time to grant them jobless benefits, to include retraining money, so they once again can become good tax paying citizens of the State of Minnesota. Our legislature has an obligation to help its citizens and I am asking for your immediate assistance. Here are just a few reasons we need your help:
· In the 1990’s, the legislature put together a financing package of over $800 million dollars to help Northwest Airlines with the agreement they would create and maintain jobs in our state. Their broken promises resulted in minimal employment at the Duluth facilities, while the proposed engine shop in Hibbing was never built.
· The Legislature failed to hold NWA accountable to that agreement thus allowing NWA to wreck thousands of families’ lives.
· The average unemployed mechanic has 25+ years of experience, is 40+ years old, and is a veteran.
· They cannot get employed without gaining certification in many fields that already match their skill set.
Unemployed mechanics from Northwest Airlines need—they deserve—jobless benefits and retraining dollars. Please help NWA workers get back on their feet by authorizing a financial package that will allow that to happen.