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Received:  Fri, 18 Nov 2005 14:50:39

To all AMFA members:
I don't know how many emails you have gotten from I.A.M. members at NWA but let me just say that as member of the I.A.M. since 1985, it absolutely sickens me that the I.A.M. and the other unions on the property did not walk with you all. Steenland & Co.'s plan to divide and conquer is now in full swing thanks to the cowardly leadership of the other unions. Please don't get me wrong, I am a union supporter and have been since I started in this crazy business called the "travel career". I've survived layoff after layoff and cutbacks in pay since the 1980s but in every other instance that I was involved in when a union walked, the others stood up with that union knowing that if they didn't, that the axe would be coming for them next. I went on strike in the late 80s with Eastern and most of the ALPA members and flight attendants walked in support of the IAM and the mighty dirt bag Frank Lorenzo and his Scab Eastern came to a screeching halt. Of course Eastern did come back as a much smaller entity but ultimately Frank was given the boot by the bankruptcy appointed trustee and then Eastern folded. ** We can only pray that a trustee can be appointed for NWA before the current "leadership?" rapes NWA as Lorenzo did with Eastern leaving nothing but a rotting carcass of an airline.
I guess my point in all this is that ALPA and the flight att. union knew that if they didn't walk with the IAM at Eastern, that it would only be a matter of time that their ox would get gouged and left bleeding. I know that there has been a lot of animosity and bad blood between IAM and AMFA but ultimately it comes down to we either hang together or hang alone, and I think I feel the noose being slowly pulled around my(IAM) neck and its getting tighter. Stand tall and please know that there are lots of good IAM people who aren't your enemy and we truly wish it was all for one, together.
God Bless

Received:  Fri, 18 Nov 2005 02:40:38

An open letter to my friends, union brothers & sisters (and former friends, brothers, & sisters):

As I write this, I feel as if I'm saying goodbye to you. In fact, I'm not going anywhere, but it is goodbye to some of you. You people, that have not the backbone nor the conviction, to continue to stand with me and many others who believe that it is the right thing to do. We all know it isn't easy. Most good things don't come easy. Some of you walked picket lines with me in 1982. That wasn't easy, but this is even tougher. So why the lack of courage now? This is clearly a more important battle than that one. I've known some of you for 26 years. To those who have given up, I feel the fool for calling you my friends. Now I must call you a "Scab". "Sunrise" crew? It sounds as if they may change the name to "Scab" crew. I thought I knew ya. I must be a terrible judge of character. But on the other hand, there are many who still stand with me. These people have all my respect and I'm honored to call you my friends.  I tell myself to stop guessing what goes thru a "Scab's" mind, but I still wonder. I know the excuses--bills, kids in college, mortgage, health insurance, no jobs, etc. The same things we all complain about when we have a job. Well, we all have our story, our burdens to bear. I won't bore you with mine. But, don't kid yourself into believing you're some kind of hero for your family. By crawling back, you've done them more of a disservice than you know. It must suck to be you. The "Scabs" that Andy Roberts brought here to take our jobs and break our union are as disgusting as he is short. You that have crossed, now work with them--for him. You are carrying out his plan. You are now more my enemy than is he. Without you and his imported "Scabs", NWA would have to talk to our union. It is that simple. Were it not for you "Scabs", my family would not be still suffering as you did so briefly. Want to guess what they think of you now? You are the enemy. I will treat you as such. For those that crossed, then realize they can't live with themselves and come back, I'll find a way to forgive you. For those who stay a "Scab"--I will never forgive you. You are the ultimate traitor. Some of you are very good mechanics, but believe me, you are not God's gift to aviation. I certainly am not. I was proud to try to do a good job, to do my best. However, long before I became a mechanic, before becoming a husband and father, I learned to be a man. I learned honor, integrity, dignity, loyalty, and respect. You traitors learned none. If you had, you could teach your families, you could show what it is to be a man and how tough that can be, and then you would know why it's difficult to stand with me. But you would know it is right.  To those that say their faith in God gives them the strength to cross our picket lines, I say Bull! I doubt that you even spoke to him about. Besides, God gives me the strength to do what I do, which is a lot tougher. Also, I'm pretty sure that God hates a coward. To those that are drawing severance and haven't lifted a finger to picket--shame on you. In all fairness, you're still a union member and I think out of respect for AMFA and our members (your friends) you would think it's the right thing to do. Remember, NWA put you the street, not AMFA. To those who are still on strike, but don't picket--shame on you too. It's not the time to whine about this union or that union, or what should have been done or not. People who stand with me are the union. Stand with us. To the other unions, you are weak and pathetic. You have the opportunity to make an historic stand for all of labor. But, for either stupid political reasons which trample on the concept of unions, or for insatiable greed and arrogance, or for just gutless
ineptitude--you are blowing it. Scab Airline--who would've thunk it? So as I said, it's like goodbye to some of you, but I don't need to go to a funeral. For half my life, I have worked on NWA airplanes.  It won't be easy to start over, but if you "Scabs" and Andy win this, I'll have to find a way. Until then, it is not over. I will never cross our picket line. If you need a rock to cling to--then grab hold! If you need to chat--I'm in the book. If you're an active "Scab"--I wouldn't recommend it. I'm easy to find. I'll be on the picket line with my head held high knowing that I and the many who stand with me are doing the right thing.

Received:  Thu, 17 Nov 2005 21:15:39

To all my friends & those no longer are,
I sit here alone in my new apartment in Washington State reading the AMFA web site and am appalled at what I read. I see how many have X-crossed the picket lines, and am ashamed to admit that some of you I once called friends, some of you I respected, your standards I thought where irreproachable, your morals sound. How could I be so wrong!! My only regret is I am not there to continue the fight, but at MY NEW JOB they're keeping me pretty busy. I'm still an inspector/NDT doing what I have always done, and loved to do, but with a new found respect by my peers. I can hold up my head High knowing that I took the right path and know THAT you also HAD THE SAME CHOICE as I! You are weak, and will never garner the respect we all desire in this life, as there is no justification for what you all have done!. To those still  holding the line, I have nothing but an awed respect for and applaud your every efforts. I wish you all From TED to the lonely webmaster Pat, and all
of you in between a good life, and know that there are still some of us, that had to move on, support all you do for us and for labor!

PS...I am also now finally sending in my retirement paperwork! I've waited as long as I could!!

Received:  Sat, 12 Nov 2005 23:05:43


To think I used to watch your news broadcasts exclusively, little did I know that your station is nothing more than a mouth piece for NWA and the MAC.

The story featured on your news cast Friday was the some of the worst investigative journalism I have ever seen. Evidently Bob must now be accepting his news copy straight from NWA.

This particular rock throwing incident happened a month ago, and the MAC police came to AMFA not knowing who did it. They met with myself and Ted Ludwig the next day and raised their concerns with us. Within one hour of this meeting Mr. Muskopf was contacted and had called the MAC detective to confess .And by the next business day he had made full restitution to the company for the damage as well as personally apologizing to the driver and giving him a gift card from Menards as a small token of the guilt he felt. Does this excuse his actions, no it does not, but he and the rest of us are far from the violent thugs you seem so willing to portray us as.

The hand gestures made by a striker to landing aircraft? It may interest you that it was made by a man that intentionally did it to have our picket ting permit pulled from this area, he then was at liberty to cross the picket line once it was no longer there, a brilliant plan, one that I informed the airport director about at our last meeting over a week ago. He admitted the SCAB in question was the man that gave the gesture. It was not a picketer doing it, it was a SCAB trying to get back into work unnoticed, and the airport director did his bidding.

I ask you, and the Airport director to please show me what other violent altercations exist, The members of AMFA have exhibited remarkable restraint, these are the Airport directors words not mine.

The numbers of picketers down dramatically? It might have been useful for your crack investigator to know that AMFA reduced it's picketing schedule a month ago to allow our member more time for work outside of the strike. Bobby might have found that out if he took the time to do his home work. He might also have learned that at this last meeting with the airport director, AMFA voluntarily gave up picketing locations in order to ease the claimed burden our strike was having upon the MAC police department.

Please tell me what added cost all of this overtime has cost Minnesotans? It is my understanding that the MAC derives its money, and pays it's salaries from what is collected from airline landing fees.

And who in God's name told you we are angry with the public? We are the public, or does the fact we are on strike exclude us from being counted as such. I am simply appalled by the shoddy investigation done here and by how truly biased this story was against the members of
AMFA. Perhaps it is time to look for someone who may be more proficient when it comes to investigative journalism, I happen to know a couple thousand people here in the Cities that could do a much better job given the chance.. I always expected more from KSTP, maybe I was wrong.

Michael H Klemm
AMFA Strike Chairman

Received:  Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:54:06

Only AMFA Mechanics had enough guts to go on strike, why is that? What makes the non strikers think their fate will be better? Don't they know they weakened the power of the unions?  Why is our governor, senators, representatives etc... from either party, keeping mum on this? Did NWA contribute large sums of money to their campaigns? Just a thought.  Is it true that Republicans only care about big business as long as they can fill their pockets?  Is it true that Democrats have become weak, wish-washy and don't know what to do with the "power' they have
to make changes that benefit the masses?  Since NWA, obviously had been planning for quite some time, an eventful mechanics' strike, and had started to sell stocks, why isn't it like 'insider trading?  After all Martha Stewart went to jail for much less. Umh, what the heck, big business supported by republicans can pretty much do what they want with the lives of their hard working, company building employees.  Is the saying: "What goes around comes around" apply to employees like Julie and the rest?  Why doesn't someone from the press go after the real story behind NWA? Isn't it what they go for usually? They can say they go after the big story; they can talk about honest reporting, but has anyone heard something I haven't?  Why is it that the people at large don't care? They can fly on NWA flights or their airlinks because of
cheaper fares with no cares about how safe their flight will go. Is it because it doesn't affect them directly?  "What you don't see can't hurt you" attitude cannot be the American way, is it?  Our governor, senators, representatives etc... don't care about how this union busting is affecting thousands of lives; why is that?  I was on the picket line and attended the first ever 'Support the AMFA - mechanics on strike" and was really puzzled how little the media did to get a broader feel for what was really happening. Where's Geraldo Rivera? Isn't one reporter in this great state brave enough to do an honest, to the point story?  Don't vote for anyone, republican or democrat who hasn't had the guts to stand up for the mechanics and their families. This great privilege you all have to vote in this great state, great country, should not be wasted on gutless, scared to speak out, lets see what happens attitude of elected officials. Didn't this state and the employees of NWA make NWA? Don't they owe us money? What was all that talk about NWA wanting the gates at MSP Airport for themselves and send the other airlines to the other airport? Was that just talk to try to deflect their true intentions? Union busting, my ... they are no better than the scabs they hired.

I don't know everything about NWA and the goings-on, but one thing I know for certain  YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING.  STAND STRONG, STAY COMMITTED AND STAND TALL.


Received:  Sat, 12 Nov 2005 14:59:46

I too am the wife of a striking mechanic and am providing my comments on Bob McNaney’s very misleading report regarding the behavior of AMFA strikers that aired last night. I agree with everything the previous striker’s wife wrote and would like to address a few other issues.

As a taxpayer to the state of Minnesota for over 23 years I am dumbfounded by the fact that the media and flying public continues to favor everything NWA is doing. When will people realize that in the long run Northwest’s new business plan is going to hurt the Minnesota economy? Where is the outrage over Northwest’s broken promises to pay back the millions of dollars loaned to them from the last downturn? Where is the outrage over the broken promise to keep 17,000 plus jobs in Minnesota? What about the broken promise of jobs in northern Minnesota involving the Duluth maintenance base? With all the money and jobs owed to our state I would think the political leaders and citizens would be attempting to hold NWA accountable. Hey, McNaney instead of spending your time creating wildly misleading stories about the AMFA strikers perhaps you could research and report on how much Northwest’s new business plan will cost Minnesota taxpayers.

I have walked and talked with the professional men and women of AMFA over the past 85 days on the picket line. Channel 5 and Bob McNaney would have you believe that the AMFA strikers are out of control. This story borders on outright fraud in journalism. It’s not so much what they said; it’s what they didn’t say. Most of the events reported on last night happened weeks ago. If things are that bad one would think that incidents would be happening daily, but they are not. Did McNaney report that the person who threw the rock at the truck windshield felt so bad afterwards that within an hour he turned himself in? Did McNaney report that the rock thrower apologized profusely and paid for the broken windshield and gave the driver of the truck a $50 gift certificate to show his remorse? Had channel 5 reported the whole story we would have no objections, but McNaney clearly wanted to discredit the strikers by leaving out significant facts. If this is the typical reporting style of channel 5 I am certain we can no longer believe anything they report.

If you are one of the Northwest employees who walk by giving a wave and a smile as we picket, please realize that the only way you can truly help us, yourselves, and our future generation is to join the picket line. Please stop helping Northwest to outsource thousands of good Minnesota jobs to foreigners and non-union vendors. If we don’t stop them now who will?

To my follow picketers, it continues to be a pleasure and an honor for me to be with you on the picket line. You are the best of the best. God bless you all and stay strong.

Received:  Sat, 12 Nov 2005 08:48:00

Cindy Brucato and Bob McNaney ...

If you watch yourselves present the Striking NWA mechanics story on Friday, you both MUST admit that your "drama" was rather transparent, and your story content a very cheap and uncomfortable media shot to those who have been peaceably involved and deeply affected by this labor dispute. You must also admit that this "revelation" to your viewers was about the actions of very few striking mechanics. Incidentally, had your coverage been complete, your viewers could have also been informed that the one who made obscene gestures to the aircraft, causing an AMFA picket permit to be pulled, is no longer on the picket line, but indeed crosses over that very picket line each day to maintain the aircraft that "your money" buys tickets to fly on.

Your destructive and insensitive news drama is extremely frustrating to those (employees and passengers alike) who have rationally and calmly endured years and years of corporate butt-kicking from NWA ... and it is most disturbing that you have flexed your media muscles against this labor group with your story. Far greater a percentage of these mechanics and their families are now working through this personal hit-in-the-livelihood with integrity and dignity - and without buffoonery and hooliganism - and are just choosing to continue a peaceful and legal stand against the NWA destruction of their craft and practices as aircraft maintenance technicians. Most AMFA members have made this choice with great personal loss to career and checkbook, so to suggest that striking mechanics are creating undue cost to the flying public is a very cheap shot. Further, there are hundreds of these workers who have now moved on and are being productive and respectful employees with other companies, so your labeling of this group as a whole by the actions of a few is extremely inaccurate. Do you, Bob and Cindy, realize that the neighbors, friends, family, and new and prospective employers of AMFA members may judge them by your destructive and misleading words?

A thought: The NWA Executive Team is now saving their billions since replacing striking AMFA mechanics ... as well as by imposing job pay and benefit cuts to the rest of their labor groups ... yet they will not have to pay their bills (including some they owe YOU and your fellow ticket buyers as Minnesota taxpayers) and are raising prices and cutting flights and still withholding pretzels and pillows from their passengers (not to mention quality aircraft maintenance) ... So why not go after those who are implementing this "new and modern business structure" at NWA to get a REAL story of who is costing the flying public money Bob and Cindy! If you just could expose the TRUE (corporate) buffoonery that is really costing the flying public millions ... now THAT would be a real help to those who buy the tickets. You should find them well available, as they have all been greatly compensated with retention bonuses to continue this fun corporate game from their perches in Eagan.  And also, please don't forget to remind your viewers that purchasing airfare from any airline is a voluntary action. Therefore, if folks choose not to support what the money they spend on airfare pays for they can make a choice, just the same as the AMFA members made their choice last August.

In all the past months of these events, your story has been the most insulting and yellow of all media coverage, and you not only owe most AMFA members an apology for your thoughtless slander, but you owe your viewers and fellow airline passengers an apology for your misleading reports as well.

Received:  Fri, 11 Nov 2005 21:56:44

Tonight I heard a disturbing story on KSTP Channel 5, on their 6PM newscast. This is a copy of the email I sent to Bob
McNaney. And for all those who do not fulfill their obligation to man the picket line:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke-

Keep up the "good" fight

Subject: Your 6PM story-Mechanics Gone Wild.

Mr McNaney:

I am the wife of a striking AMFA Mechanic and I an incensed by the implied aspect of the story you aired on tonight's 6 PM newscast.

You chose to slander all the AMFA Mechanics with the bad actions of a few. Over 2,800 AMFA men and women struck NWA locally, and the majority of these people are conducting a peaceful, polite and orderly strike. By your own admission you do not know the number of incidents, but again, the implication is of an out of control picket line with constant arrests. You chose to show only one side, not caring that Vance security has made obscene gestures to provoke the mechanics on the picket line, and Scab mechanics have also been arrested by the MAC police.

It is obvious that you have not been around strikes very often, (if at all) because shouting at people scabbing your jobs is done all over the world. Try googling "Jack London scab".

Yes, some of the AMFA strikers have done things they should not have done. However, Your use of "fired the shot" to anyone tuning in late to your story made it sound as if though the mechanics on the picket line are armed with guns. You could have said "used the slingshot" . Also, this incident happened some time ago-why bring it up now?

Your statement "The picketers have been doing whatever they can to cause trouble and upset NWA operations."  This untrue, again only a few are behaving this way.

"Airport police say they have spent approximately $250,000 trying to keep the peace." Again, the inference is that the police have to sit and watch these men and women minute by minute and must constantly haul off unruly strikers.

You chose to leave out the fact that the mechanic who was caught gesturing obscenely at an incoming airplane has been welcomed back with open arms and is working inside at NWA. This incident also happened some time ago, why air it now?

The numbers have dropped on the picket lines but not because of crossover, but because they are up against a large uncaring company and they now are finding other work away from NWA. Some have returned to their homes in Atlanta, who came here two years ago when Northwest closed the base there. At that time they were told that if they relocated to Minneapolis they would have a job for life. Some have had to take over the care of their children, (can't afford daycare) while their spouses pick up the missing income.

It amazes me that while this behavior by a few mechanics is reprehensible, the media does not seem to find time to follow up on the DOT Inspector General investigation that is ongoing. This is an issue that cries out for attention.

I feel that you have done a great disservice to your Emmy and your credibility with this story and the unfair way that it was presented. At any time during the story you could have stated that these incidents which you cited, do not represent the majority of the strikers behavior, which is a "fact"!

Received:  Tue, 8 Nov 2005 08:03:37

Ref. Received: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 18:57:01 "I am totally amazed that Andy Roberts had to write a letter to the Star Tribune and tell them everything is safe at NWA. He tried to pin NWA's lack of safe aircraft on the person who reported NWA's safety problems.
How ridiculous! ..."

Where have we seen this kind of attitude before? How about the engineer that kept telling about the "o" rings on Space Shuttle Challenger? How about the Nasa employee that asked to have our telescopes and spy satellites view the wing on Columbia, just to make sure the foam insulation they saw hit the wing during launch didn't damage it? Nah.... there's no problem.

Received:  Mon, 7 Nov 2005 20:17:45

Life out there,

Hi I wanted to let you guys know I was laid off in ATL 10/1/01,my layoff came so fast it wasn't even funny, anyway I struggled with odd jobs for the first year.  Then I found something I really wanted to share with all you guys on strike. I took a job at a higher end car dealership in town, turns out the guy who hired me, his father was an A&P so he knew what we could do, he started me at 18.50 per hour flat rate and gave me a six month guarantee to learn, top techs at my dealership make 30.00hr, after master tech certification, there are 8 certifications to making a master tech. I have 7 and am testing for my final this week, the test are relatively easy (easier than A&P) and you can go anywhere with even a few certs. most shops hours are day shift weekends off, there is NEVER a danger of a layoff because if there is no work it doesn't cost anything to keep you around, and no one will EVER try to cap your salary, the more you make the more the dealership makes, my first year I made 42k,second year 54k,this year probably 62k if all goes well and I am not at top pay yet I am at 22.50 an hour turning 55-65 hours per week avg. the top guys in my shop turn over 100k a year no joke. I miss the airlines and I hate the fact I spent 11 years in the industry only to see it fall apart. I should have been an auto tech from the beginning, it is an easy transition to cars from planes and cars will always be on the road, and they are getting advanced enough that your backyard tech cant do much anymore. I just wanted to pass this on to let you guys know I do support you and if you don't make it back there is life out there I found it I hope you will too/2-2-98-10-1-01

Received:  Fri, 4 Nov 2005 23:58:12

The media is saying that the mechanic's strike at NWA appeared over. WHAT????? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! What is the definition of a strike? A strike for NWA mechanics means denying the airline access from decades of knowledge, skills, integrity and experience on maintaining its own fleet. Denying Northwest access from decades of Northwest experience!!!!!

The maintenance scabs presently working at NWA does not represent 100 percent of the quality of this decades of Northwest maintenance experience that we're talking about. Not even 90, 70, 60 or 50 percent. The actual Northwest experience represented by AMFA traitors who crossed over the other side is only a small fraction (less than 5 percent) of the 100 percent total of membership represented.

Therefore, it does not matter whether or not NWA filled all their maintenance positions. Unless all of the positions (100 percent) are filled by returning NWA mechanic strikers, the quality of maintenance will suffer for many decades to come. Unless all the strikers are back on property... the strike is not over. While NWA continues to be the #1 un-safest airline in the world... THE STRIKE WILL NEVER BE OVER!


Received:  Fri, 4 Nov 2005 15:40:11

I am a striking NW mechanics wife and very proud of it. It has been a trying time over the last almost 3 months with the strike going on, but we are doing alright and have learned to cut back where we have had to in order to make ends meet. I just want to say how very disappointed I am in the NW flight Attendants. I am upset because every day I read another email from a F/A on how it took hours and hours for a SCAB to find the problem they are reporting on and fix it, like the one with the smell of urine. It is unfortunate that it takes that long and it takes that many SCABS repeatedly to try to fix the problem, but I have one thing to say to all of you F/A’s – Too bad for you!! You had the chance to walk when this strike started and you all chose to continue to work – where is the solidarity there??? Your time is approaching and I hope you all do not expect any sympathy from the mechanics because I don’t think you are going to get a lot of it!!. I will not even start in on the pilots because they are in their own private little world and think that everything should run how they want it to anyway.

I know this has been a trying time for the mechanics and for those of you that have not crossed the picket line – congratulations and keep up the good work. For those who have crossed, well, I guess that is your cross to bear and you must live with that for the rest of your lives. You are scum.

I hope in the next few weeks this will all be over one way or another so we can all get on with our lives. My guess is we will all be getting on without NWA in our future’s, but I think that is going to be a good thing. I am very proud of all you mechanics and custodians for standing your ground, never give up for what you believe in!!

Received:  Thu, 03 Nov 2005 08:38:22

I'm sure glad I don't work for NWA any longer. I found a job a month before the strike and quit NWA a week before the strike. Not to avoid
the strike, but had wanted to leave NWA for a couple years because of how sh**** the job had become. The only thing I enjoyed about working for NWA was the variety of jobs available. After all the layoffs, I no longer had the seniority to keep out of the bag pit, and I was too sick of NWA to enjoy working the line. There are LOTS of good jobs out there.  Yes, they do pay as well now and employees are appreciated much more than at NWA. Who wants the pressure of keeping aircraft airworthy if the pay doesn't match the responsibility? Maybe those who don't care about airworthiness?  I am shocked that Sid is on the list. Most others I am not surprised at. Most were company suck asses all along. Like Ted Schmidt. Talked the talk, but when it came between having the balls to do what's right and a dollar bill, he takes the dollar. Have to support his family I suppose.  I am supporting my family just fine without NWA thank you! Let that company rot in hell along with the fools who have sold their souls to them.

Received:  Wed, 2 Nov 2005 19:02:31

Don Golofski- SCAB Now and Always
It is sad to see how many ex-union people have chosen to become SCABS! At first I did not believe that Don Golofski had actually Scabbed. After I confirmed it for myself, I began thinking and remembering all of the times Don told us stories of how much of a "Union" man he was. He continuously bragged about how much his family and relatives believed in Unionism, and how they had fought the likes of Carnegie and the "steel mills" back in Pittsburgh. Don liked to also brag about how much time he had spent studying and learning about the "X and Y" styles of management, and how "underhanded" the management of NWA was. He relentlessly talked about what "Bastards" Doug Steenland, Richard Anderson, and just about every other member of management at NWA were.  I now see that about the only truth that ever left Don's lips, was the statements he made about Steenland and the rest of NWA Mgt. I firmly believe that Don lied about what great "Union" members he and his family were. If this was true, Don would now be banished from his family. Don often talked about his son, and how he was so proud of "Donnie" because of how much he had accomplished, even though he was disabled. I wonder if he has told his son that he is now a SCAB? If he did, how does his children live daily, knowing that their dad, Mr. Union man, is now a SCAB? Don used to talk about his dad kicking his ass
when he got out of line. If he ever had a reason, his dad should be kicking Don's ass daily.  Don, I hope you read this and that you make sure that your son's read this too. They need to know how much of a liar their dad really is. They need to talk to your family members and find out just how proud they are to have a SCAB in the family. I actually feel sorry for your family and especially your children. Every time you walk in the door or talk to them on the phone, imagine how they feel and how much they must wonder, what, if anything, you have told them over the years, is true? Don Golofski, you have now confirmed what many people in Atlanta said about you. You have CONFIRMED that you are of
WEAK WILL, LOW MORALS, and that YOU ARE NOW AND ALWAYS WERE A SCAB! Once a SCAB ALWAYS a SCAB! Just think about how your lack of morals and your SCABBING has not only affected your loved ones, but how much it has affected those very few people that backed you and stood beside you when you were a General Chairman for the IAM in Atlanta. Think back and remember how much bullcrap they took for standing by you! Now, think about how many of us are now standing beside you. The answer is NONE, at least to the ones I've been able to talk to, Myself included!

Go Look In the Mirror and you'll see just what a SCAB/LIAR Looks like!

One of Your Ex-Friends

Received:  Wed, 2 Nov 2005 14:58:45

Question to colleague:

Can you please tell me what the account number is for charging this airline ticket to? Thanks.

In the meantime…I am in the middle of booking your flight, and now the fare went up to $213. Your choice wasn't really
based on AA being cheaper than NWA, was it?

Answer from colleague:


It was based on concern about potential delays, dirty bathrooms, losing an engine and fairness.

Received:  Sun, 30 Oct 2005 11:07:18

I live in St. Paul, MN -- Northwest has consistently been my airline of choice over the past 10 years. Next week I'm flying to San Francisco. Northwest offers the most convenient flight, one of the only non-stops, and the cheapest as well (by more than $75). I chose a connecting flight on another airline -- It will take me 4 hours more, cost an extra $75, and will be less convenient. Why? I care about a little more than just price and convenience. I care about the community I live in. I care about how workers are treated. Until Northwest clearly demonstrates that it won't balance check books on the backs of workers I will do all I can to fly other airlines.

I understand tough economic constraints -- cuts have to be made, solutions have to be found. Treating workers in the manner you have, firing much of your workforce, tremendous cuts to pay and benefits, outsourcing maintenance to foreign sites, is no solution. Because in the process the value of your brand, especially in the communities that Northwest is most connected to like the Twin Cities, will be significantly damaged. I have talked with many others who will no longer happily fly Northwest -- they might as a last resort, but will take another option if any other airline offers a viable alternative.

Please let me know why I'm wrong, why I should make Northwest my preferred carrier again, how you are treating and will treat your workforce well and are offering the minimum cuts to workforce and compensation possible. How you're doing so as only a last option -- that first executives have given up all bonuses and taken dramatic and long-term pay cuts, that you'll even raise prices slightly to cover labor costs, that the attacks on your workers you've launched are an absolute last resort. It is only that argument that will persuade me to use Northwest again as my preferred carrier.

Northwest frequent flyer

Received:  Sat, 29 Oct 2005 01:59:04

it's one thing to disgrace themselves in crossing their own picket line but dale driscoll and donny golofski have shamed all union workers from Pennsylvania which are a strong and proud should both run and hide!... your both losers and have no business working on anything mechanical, anyone who knows them will verify it's the honest to gods truth too !!

Received:  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 15:04:57

FYI....It probably doesn't matter, but WE really liked the header that was on the web page about Dale Driscoll! He runs and hides from my husband when he spots him....Sorry you had to take it off so soon. He used to be a friend. so sad....

Received:  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:12:20

I just don't understand if NWA has finished hiring its replacement staff why in the world would they be calling and begging for qualified Mechanics? Everything that you read about NWA is a lie! My husband has been with the company for twenty years as a mechanic and 5 years as a cleaner. He is a very proud man! He will never go back with that company! If this is the staff they want scabbers, liars and cheats, have at it! I pity the flying public! Thanks for a very informative web site, I read it every day.  Good luck to all of the fellow mechanics and their families and God Bless. Stay strong!

Received:  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 08:46:11

Good for you, Dougie. You bought the best judge money can buy! He denied unemployment benefits for the technicians in Minnesota for the second time. You do realize that Minnesota is the only place it was denied. This is truly a red letter day for you!!

We thought you should know three others and I personally observed four scabs commuting on the LRT last Friday night with beers, on their way to NWA for a hard night's work! They had the temporary badges, etc. so there was no mistaking them, plus their crisp new NWA jackets was a dead giveaway. Your lack of drug and alcohol testing for SCABS has FURTHER put traveling public in danger. They were not in any shape to be around aircraft. I wonder if they even had SIDA badges? Those reports continue to come in about SCABS working unescorted on aircraft and without proper MAC badges. A lot of these people are known to be from terrorist lands. Didn't you and Andy Roberts learn anything from 9/11????!!!

We also like the incidents of the scab caught huffing at NWA, and the scab arrested with a DUI, driving to his shift at MSP airport! (from Indiana) These stories continue to make us laugh. Being a Travel Agent, I used to book a lot of Northwest. Not anymore. I care about my family and friends too much to knowingly put them on unsafe aircraft.

No matter what you throw at AMFA, you will not break our spirit. Not even close. Those AMFA members who have not crossed over to the dark side at NWA still have their pride and souls intact. You have become a real joke to the citizens of Minnesota. They are getting wise to you and your other corrupt people at the top.

The AMFA workers are healthier and happier and out of the dysfunctional environment. Talking with other AMFA members at the Pig Roast in Minneapolis, none have had to take the meds they had for stomach ailments, migraines, etc. since August 19th! That says a lot.

"The best revenge is doing well."

A proud AMFA wife!!!

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