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Received:  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 01:14:39

I would like to see a demand (not beg) of the number of position to Cleaners and Custodians back to work at NWA at the same rate or numbers of scab Mechanics who crossed our picket lines. For example, if there are a total of 203 scab mechanics who crossed our picket lines, I would like to see 203 Cleaners and Custodians position in the back to work agreement.

Myself and many of the Cleaners and Custodians have accepted the fact that our job at NWA was eliminated on August 20, 2005. We have accepted to move on with our lives without Northwest Airlines. Most of us, especially in MSP has been receiving unemployment benefits as well as Worker's Dislocated Program benefits. NWA severance package has no value to us even if NWA decides to give us $3,000 severance pay because we'll end up giving it back to State's unemployment insurance agency. We have no incentive to waste our time at the picket line.

However, most of us had decided to stick it with AMFA and hold the picket lines at a regular basis. We are strong members of AMFA! On the picket lines, It broke my heart to see names and pictures of fellow strikers (Mechanics) who decided to stoop low and crossed our own Mechanic's picket lines. Personally, I felt that they let me down because I am holding a picket line that is in support of AMTs and considered not even 'ours' anymore.

Needless to ask, would you honorable NWA AMTs prefer to work with a scab or see a fellow honorable AMFA Cleaners back on the line along with the likes of honorable IAM and PFAA members who honored the picket line? AMFA leaders and members need to get tough on this issue if there is ever a 'back to work agreement' with NWA. Nevertheless, We will uphold AMFA's dignity and integrity. DO NOT CROSS THE PICKET LINE!!!!!!!!!

Received:  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 20:53:20

What is really weird is that NWA wants me back, but they are only willing to pay me 22.00 an hour. Then when they want, they can reduce
that because it says so in their forced "contract" they have with the SCABS now. Even if they had a contract that didn't let them change it at
will, they would go to the bankruptcy judge and do it there. Working beside SCABS is not my idea of a dream job. NWA has poisoned the
airline industry and it will become a cancer at every other carrier. I'm sorry, but I can do better. See ya NWA!!!!!!! Like the guy said at one of our meetings, "I'm at the picket line because NWA doesn't want me there". If they said push, I would pull. Simple, isn't it? And what is that Andy Roberts doing with that article in the paper. He must be feeling a little pressure from lack of bookings to stoop so low as to argue points with us mechanics. He is a real piece of you know what. And guess what, he has a bunch of immoral untrustworthy people fixing the planes that he flies on. Good luck Andy, what comes around usually goes around. Take your green card and go back to whatever country you are from.

I am glad to see there are still some people in this world who have integrity (strikers).

Received:  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 17:34:59

Gee, I don’t get it. My husband is a 21 year EX-tech from NWA and NO ONE has called him yet!!!! We are really hurt.

But, we did get a nice card from NWA asking if we were “LOOKING FOR A CAREER WITH THE BEST AIRLINE IN THE WORLD”.  Now hiring full time employee’s (NOTE THE IMPROPER USE OF THE APOSTROPHE) for these positions:

A&P Mechanics!!

Engine Mechanics!!

Aircraft Inspectors!!

It gives you a 800 number or a web site to apply. This has a postal return address of Arlington, TX and a postage permit from Metairie, LA,

If NWA is the best airline in the world, God help us all (He does anyway).

Received:  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:30:12

I am a 31 year retired Customer Service Supervisor now living in Winnipeg Canada. I have supervised and worked for NWA in Vancouver B.C, Regina and Saskatoon Saskatchewan, and have ended my career in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.  I cannot eloquently express to you fine folks, how many times mechanics like Manny Barbosa and many others have flown into my Canadian NWA stations to repair NWA aircraft safely and efficiently when our Canadian vendor mechanics were either unwilling or unable to do so. These selfless and loyal AMFA mechanics have aided and saved so many delays, cancellations and yes lives that it is totally unthinkable to me that this company can survive without your loyalty and fine craftsmanship. I am appalled day after day by what I read on the AMFA website and bare witness to this unfair and unjust
treatment of my colleagues.

God bless all of you in your continued struggle against this tyranny that is Northwest Airlines.

Received:  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:08:36

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I was contacted a fourth time by NWA about returning to work. This time I was called by my manager Roger Kozacek, ATE shop. He said he only had a couple positions left and that if I wanted to come back they were paying $22.95 per hour. I told him I wasn't interested. He then went on to tell me that if I know of anyone else who was interested I should tell them to call him. I told him not to call me again. They must be getting desperate.

Thanks again for all your hard work. Now more than ever I know my vote for AMFA was the best decision I ever made! See you on the line!

Received:  Wed, 26 Oct 2005 18:57:01

I am totally amazed that Andy Roberts had to write a letter to the Star Tribune and tell them everything is safe at NWA. He tried to pin NWA's lack of safe aircraft on the person who reported NWA's safety problems. How ridiculous! What is the matter Andy, are things starting to fall apart around you? Are the lack of bookings because of reported safety issues catching up to you? It won't be long Andy and you will be in jail and then maybe NWA will be able to run a profitable airline that the public can trust. NWA cannot survive without advanced bookings and after reading Andy's crying about bad reporting, the bookings must really be down. Thank God we are not going to be pinned with the crash. I pity those who have crossed when the time comes for them to be sacrificed so the management does not have to go to jail. Good luck SCABS!

Received:  Wed, 26 Oct 2005 19:01:03

Just to let you know I support your efforts. I am a union member in a different industry. My wife & I planned a trip to Florida in January; even though NWA was the cheaper option, we refuse to fly with them until all of you are back to work.  Keep up the fight!

Received:  Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:52:06

All I can say is it is too late for Northwest Unions. They broke one, now they will break them all. One by one they will not stop until they are union free. If everyone had walked with AMFA there may have been a chance but that chance is gone. Good luck to you all. Regarding what Steenland said about flight attendants being over paid vending machines, he should resign immediately for being an over paid CEO who has no knowledge of running an airline. I hope someday he is on a plane in flames and needs a flight attendant to show him the way out, then he will realize how important they are. What a class A moron.

Received:  Wed, 26 Oct 2005 13:58:40

I am tired of seeing the scab list grow, as they are selfish people and only worry about themselves. I have a 14 year old son that has a form of juvenile arthritis and some days he has a very hard time walking.  Not too many people need medical insurance more than he does. For the duration of this strike me and my family will be without insurance as most people on the picket line will, I will not scab for northwest airlines and cannot understand why anybody would. Those who are picketing should be proud of yourselves for not giving in to a greedy and heartless company.  The scabs have all sorts of excuses and none of them are justified. Thanks to all the wonderful people that have helped out at strike headquarters, it does not go unnoticed.

Received:  Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:33:36

To all my friends and proud fellow Union brothers & sisters of AMFA 33.

As a proud Union brother I absolutely support and stand behind you as you struggle for fairness at NWA. I am absolutely appalled at NWA's blatant attempt to take away my fellow Union members American right to bargain collectively. Over the years I have spent thousands of dollars flying Northwest whenever I have to travel. I would ONLY fly Northwest when I could. I will not under any circumstances fly with Northwest until Northwest "flies right"!.

I also know that my fellow Teamster members who are one million, four hundred thousand, strong will also refuse to fly Northwest as long as Northwest is attempting to bust another Union. I will walk before I fly on a SCAB AIRPLANE!

I am also not afraid to publicly take a stance and you may use my name and Union affiliation on your web site. Northwest's GOONS do not scare me! They can kiss my TEAMSTER ASS!!!

As for the scabs......shame on you! Lazarus sold Jesus for a pittance of gold. You have sold your souls to the devils of Northwest for a pittance of pay. May your souls rot in scab land for all of eternity!

Daniel F. (Buddy) Robson Jr.
Business Representative
Teamsters Local 639
Washington, D.C. 20018
X 118

Received:  Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:36:25

First I would like to say how sorry I am to each and everyone of my Brothers and Sisters who I stabbed in the back on October 24th. I crossed the picket line for that one day. From the get go it was the worst day of my life, bar none.  I was sick from the time I walked in the door having to be escorted by guards making me feel like I had nothing to do with building this airline for 26 years of my life. I was unable to work much of the day because of how I felt. I will say that management was understanding, but their feelings of what I was doing far out weighed the money or the job.

I came home sick as hell, walking in circles, asking myself what had I done. I called my manager around 8pm and went in and got my tools. That was the worst day of my life.

To the local and the members I wish to say I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. I was weak, and wrong.

Received:  Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:29:03

Guys…..Keep your strength and do not cross that picket line. We should trust God to supply our needs and to carry us through hardships.  HE is our rock and our fortress. Stand up for what you believe in and you will be redeemed.

Where would we be if our forefathers had folded and not fought for our independence?  Where would we be if we had not fought Hitler?

Where would we be if we had not fought the Japanese after Pearl Harbor? Every good thing comes from taking a stand. We are taking a stand and WE WILL WIN!!.

God Bless all of you.

Received:  Mon, 24 Oct 2005 03:02:03

I am sick and tired of the news media giving the appearance of NWA as winning or having the upper hand over AMFA strike. These self-proclaimed pundits are already claiming NWA victory since the scab airline continued flying despite the mechanics strike. Now let me ask NWA, where is your victory since you've broken your "Never Compromise Safety" value? Where is your victory since you emerged from being the 4th largest carrier into becoming the 1st largest "unsafe" carrier of the 21st century? Where is your victory when your own fleet is not being maintained by the wealth of knowledge, integrity, dedication and skill by your own experienced Northwest mechanics and related? Where is your victory when you shamefully entered that bankruptcy court? Where is your victory when you are cutting numerous flights to cover up unsafe maintenance practice and fleet's airworthiness? Where is your victory when you are even attempting to return hundreds of leased aircrafts? Where is your victory when you are gutting the other union's contract while preparing for a massive layoff? Where is your victory when your stock plunged to less than a dollar? Where is your victory when you are projecting $1.7 billion loss this year? Where is your victory when you have to beg in front of a judge for bonuses to your worthless management team?

I know for one thing, NWA may continue to fly in the few months ahead but NWA will never be the same again. True victory is in the hearts, minds and solidarity of AMFA striking members and its supporters from the other unions. This is where the victory lies ahead of us...

Received:  Sun, 23 Oct 2005 09:11:17

Regardless of the outcome of this action, as you travel through life you will know that when confronted with a great evil, you behaved honorably. ALPA, IAM and PFAA members will fabricate a million alibis and excuses to justify their timidity, but deep inside they will always know they are merely cowards...and cowards are despicable people...even to themselves.

Received:  Fri, 21 Oct 2005 21:47:57

I am a very proud and satisfied WIFE of an AMFA mechanic. I want to personally take this time to THANK EACH and EVERY AMFA member for holding your ground and standing for what is right. We wife's are supporting you, holding you before the almighty God and asking for protection for our very own families. Right now is the most difficult thing that we have ever been through. My husband was the SOLE bread winner as I nearly died back in 01 and 02 and I can not work. I want to say to the stupid SCABS, why? How come and for what damn reason? You WILL NEVER be trusted EVER.  NO ONE will EVER have your back but your other SCAB friend, if you can even call them one.  I am again, VERY PROUD of my husband and ALL of his coworkers because I consider it AN HONOR for my husband to not have YOUR back no matter what the cost may be. Right now we need solidarity among those that are left. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. I am now calling all wives to pray for our husbands and to be their "helpmate" and lift them up before the Lord as he will help us win this battle.

Received:  Fri, 21 Oct 2005 03:25:22

First off, I want to thank all of the dedicated people, that have maintained the Strike HQ, Picket Lines and Schedules, the people manning the strike phones, those that are taking care of everyone, by helping with cooking and cleaning up. My hat's off to all those Wonderful Union People, which also includes everyone walking the line and giving their time selfishly, in order to show us that we all still matter and that we all still care about one another. I can only say that I wish with all my heart, I was physically able to be out there helping you all. I'm now trying to get situations arranged at my home, that will enable me to get in and out of my home safely as well as with as little pain as possible. If I can get the ramps built it should at least allow me to take my wheelchair out to my car and then be able to drive over to HQ. I may not be able to walk the line, but I can man the phones or do other things, so as to at least give a few of you a badly needed break.

Many of the ATL people know me from my many years of service to them. I was a Shop Steward and Shop Committeeman under the IAM and then served as a Shop Rep under AMFA, in both ATL and MSP-C and B, before my OJI injuries got the better of me and forced me out in Mar. 2003. Even though I'm not much physical help, many ex-ATL people call me regularly, for the latest info, and help with their different situations. I must say that every member, every Officer that I've had to get information from, so that I was certain that I gave those asking, the correct answers, has been absolutely Top Notch. I only wish I could do more, since it appears my condition is going to remain in it's present state for at least another year, or longer. As I have always told those that know me, I'm always available to try and answer their questions, or in the rare instances I didn't know the correct answer, I do know who to call to get the right answer. I intend to do this for as long as I'm able. Feel free to contact me if I can help in any way. This Union Member did NOT Vote for AMFA during the election. But, the Majority of my Brothers/Sisters wanted AMFA and the change was made. I always gave 100+% to the IAM membership and have never given anything Less to any of My AMFA Bros/Sis'. The SCABS can try to Wiggle their thoughts and try to justify their actions, BUT, All REAL Union Men/Women, Know that ONLY LOW LIFE Capon's try to justify their DESPICABLE SCAB ACTIONS! Once a SCAB, a SCAB You Shall Be For Life!

Lastly, I have to say that I am ashamed of misjudging some people in the past. Some of which, I would have strongly defended had anyone call them a SCAB. Unfortunately, I let my heart out rank my head and better sense, and completely missed the probability of these people becoming SCABS. I can say for 150% Certainty, that this "Dog" will NEVER Wear the SCAB TAG! If or when there is a contract settlement, and if my surgeries have healed enough to work on planes again, I would willingly do what I have loved and what I had done since 1977 on a Full Time Basis. Without a settled contract, I will live true to myself and my family, by looking for another career field. On more than one occasion, back in the 80's, Mgr's. at EAL tried to coerce me into working with a CONFIRMED CAL SCAB and I let then know in no uncertain terms, that I would work with any other person, work by myself, or I would go home, but, there was "No Way In Hell, That I Would Lower Myself by Agreeing to Work With a Scab!" I did NOT work with a SCAB then, and at 47+ yrs. of age, I will not begin doing so at this late stage of my career! As it stands now, I won't have the opportunity, since NWA says they "Terminated" me on Oct. 15, 2005, because I have been out on "medical Leave for more than 2 yrs.". They did fail to mention that my "medical leave" is DIRECTLY DUE to an OJI. I was injured in 1999 and fought to continue working thru Mar., 2003, when the pain became so intense I was no longer able to continue working, even with the heavy medications they are giving me. So far, I have not entertain the thought of legal counsel, but that is
about to change. I feel that I've been WRONGLY Terminated and that some Compensatory Damages are now owed to me. Especially, given the fact, that I may never be able to obtain employment. Only time will tell!

I wish all my Union Brothers and Sisters Well, and hope that someday, people will realize, just how much talent and dedication they lost when they FORCED AMFA and it's membership to STRIKE! I may not always be there in body, but I am ALWAYS There in SPIRIT!

Good Luck All, and DAMN THE TORPEDO'S!!!!

Received:  Wed, 19 Oct 2005 17:44:12

The latest proposal from NWA is a farce and a disgrace to me and my fellow AMFA members. I will tell you now that I will vote NO. I did not drain some of my hard earned savings and many hours on the picket line to quit now. You can surely bet that andy roberts (disrespectfully) will be watching this vote from our AMFA members. Some say that they would vote yes to take the severance pay (a mere pittance) and unemployment and just pack up and leave, to move on. That is exactly what andy would want. I cannot put my tail between my legs and run with the money while andy and dougie are laughing at me...that I could not handle. We need a NO vote, and a strong NO vote (100%), to send a message back to NWA, that even though everything is stacked against us we will fight back. I, for one, am tired of being slapped in the face from everyone, I want to start slapping back, and a strong NO vote can be a start. You probably think that its easy for me to say this, but I too could use the unemployment checks to help ease the piling up of bills, but this is much more than the little bit of money one would get. If this NWA farce proposal would be voted in, it would be a travesty to our members and an end to AMFA. There would be a greater chance for more of us to get back if we continue the fight and stay committed and strong in these trying times.

To me this is like POKER-TEXAS HOLD-EM, NWA against AMFA, and andy made a raise, he is betting that I will run scared and fold to give up, but you know what, I am going "ALL IN" and be the last one standing.

So let us show NWA our solidarity, and vote this proposal down by 100%.

Received:  Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:44:37

Not a question or comment, just a compliment on your web page. I'm a City Manager down in Florida who chose not to fly NW to the City Manager's national conference last month in Minneapolis. We booked tickets on NW before the strike and chose not to fly NW. We ended up eating the cost of one leg of the trip by switching. That's ok because I have friends and relatives who work for NW and I am very sorry to see what is happening to them, their careers and the company. I follow the events of the strike and the company mainly via your web page and the Wall Street Journal as there is zero coverage of the strike or the company in the local Ft. Lauderdale or West Palm Beach media.

Many of your members will have to face gut-wrenching career decisions soon. These are seasoned and professional craftspersons who have dedicated their time and talent to a company that apparently does not understand the importance of that investment. As a City Manager, I have to deal with labor unions. Yes, we have our ups and downs but I never lose sight of the fact that all our staff are essential to the success of our services to the public.

You have my admiration. I hope that labor issues will be resolved in an equitable manner soon. Based on what I've read, this appears to be a very elusive goal. The men and women of NW are in my thoughts and you have my best wishes.

Received:  Wed, 19 Oct 2005 10:40:38

Well maybe the next time an aircraft breaks in PHX, DEN or LAX etc, NWA can send to SRILANKA for a technician who holds an A&P license from IRAQ, to fix it using a part hecho in MEXICO!!! Oh wait all NWA has to do is send one of the "highly qualified SCABS from MSP!!  Stay strong and GOD bless, Retired Tech in PHX

Received:  Wed, 19 Oct 2005 15:52:27

Just wanted to send a letter of support, I retired after 30 years when the ATL hanger was shut down in 2002. As far as I know the company is still paying the city of Atlanta for that location.  It appears that the company is all in to bust our union and all the rest if this works. I feel sad for the scabs that have decided to give up, they probably are not pleased
with the jobs they have gone back to.

Received:  Wed, 19 Oct 2005 09:15:27  (webmaster note:  Not necessarily strike related, but posted because it was so true)

Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor! ( MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA ). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat! down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB . At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of
wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.....AMERICA....

Received:  Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:15:25

I took an early retirement as a technician because of these Selfish, Cruel, Aggressive, Barbarians of NWA management team who all will never ever admit that they are wrong but will blame the economy, mother nature disasters, employee wages and benefits, etc... and it will never end. They have totally destroyed this company and made it a Scab Airline. They spent all the money and hired replacement employees within 18 months, and now why can't they recruit no more because everyone knows that they are stubbornly dishonest, unfair and unjust. I honestly think that they really need the experienced technicians back on the field but they will keep bargaining like a swap meet market till you all give it in. So, I would like to respectfully and strongly advise that when you all vote please be very careful as this will be your last chance for your future life and once this contract passes NWA will become a permanent scab company as you all will be very Sorry, Crying And Begging in the end. Best of luck to you all. May Almighty God Bless you and your families.

Received:  Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:42:17

I will vote no, but that being said no matter how things turn out we as AMFA union workers and all union members must step back and look at some of the factors that put us in this situation. Corporate decisions for the most part are out of our control but the tools they use to implement them may not be. Without contract scabs and nwa scabs this union busting would not have worked. All scabs are the enemies of union workers but these contract scabs have taken our AMFA union jobs permanently. Unions need to spend more time and money on discouraging scab contract workers from helping bust unions. I am not sure what the answer is, but we have to address it or we will lose.

Received:  Mon, 17 Oct 2005 23:49:07

Many thanks to the fellow AMFA member who anonymously mailed my husband & I their $200 from the UAW. Yeah, both of us being out from the strike is a drag, but what are you gonna do? I was stunned, but not surprised, because I, unlike nwa, know that the people they turned out on Aug. 19 have more integrity and class than they ever will. Thanks again!

Received:  Mon, 17 Oct 2005 23:39:58

To all those who stand the line:

I may not know many of you and I may never meet most of you, but to know you are on the united front, on the other side where the grass is green, I know you are an inspiration. In an ever-changing world (for the worst, I might add) you stand proud. In an increasing selfish world you remain generous. In a money driven world you stand for your convictions.

If you do not know this by now, you are the unsung heroes of the union workforce. You are making history and I don’t mean of your paychecks.  Most would stand aside and wait for someone else, but not you. Each of you are a courageous individual who is fighting for the injustices of corporate executives and their pockets. Each of you has made your morals heard. You have proven to anyone who will listen that you are impenetrable force, a victorious fighter, and immune to the call of the wolves at bay trying to lure you back with empty promises.

Seeing and experiencing everything that you have been through has changed me. No longer will I expect what is here, no longer will I take what I have for granted, and no longer will I look on at another’s struggle as not mine.  I have walked away from that company until I see you back to work. I may have given up my job, but without the employees who worked as team to bring each bird home safely, it is no place for me. For them to not want you, is for them to not want me. If we never go back, I can guarantee better opportunities are just outside our door. A person such as yourself deserves only the best.

If only all of America knew you. If only America was a tenth of what you are. If only America took one lesson from you. With all of it added up
America would be invincible, have integrity, and have a future. America would be the proud grandeur it once was.

To those who have crossed the line:

Funny, does it sound like when you were a kid and your parents scolded you,  “You crossed the line this time”. When you’re an adult the consequences are much worse. This will live on with you, even to your grave. When people see your name it will only be associated with one thing, “Gee, I thought I picked that off this morning. I would rather have a gapping bleeding sore than have that attached to me”.

To those who have caused this:

I hope when you go home to your families you enjoy feeding them the food you have taken from so many. I hope when you get into your overpriced suits in your overpriced house with your overpriced car in the overpriced driveway you will find your overpriced balls. I hope that someday the people who dare to call you an associate, let alone a friend figure out just how overpriced you are and hopefully it will be before you do to them what you have done to us. I hope that one day you will visit the wizard for your heart. I hope that when you get your heart that you suffer as much as all of us combined. I hope that when you close your eyes it is our faces that haunt you in your sleep.

Received:  Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:00:32

Let me address the two mistakes the pilot thinks AMFA has made (ref: Pilot's comment Sun. Oct 16th , 2005 20:58:55). 1. The mechanics have no choice who is in their class and craft. That is determined by the NMB ( National Mediation Board). The airlines and the IAM lobbied the NMB hard to keep others in the class and craft thinking that would keep AMFA out. They won but much to their chagrin, so did we!!!! 2. AMFA decided not to deal with the Devil. If you think for one minute that any concessions given to NWA after 9/11 would have prevented their filing , you are kidding yourself. Their pension obligation and debt load could never be fixed by labor alone. To get on a level playing field with the other airlines, it was an inevitable. We saw that and decided that we would rather go into bankruptcy with the wages we were making and let a judge determine what was needed from labor. When negotiations came around, no offer by the company came with job protection. The first offer you think we should have taken saving 2270 jobs did not come with job protection. Voting for that or any other offer from the company would have been voting AMFA off the property. Would you accept a contract that eliminates all ALPA jobs!!!!! I think not!!!! We decided to leave with our knowledge, our skills and our integrity. We too have a license to protect, are drug and alcohol tested and under the scrutiny of the FAA. We take our jobs seriously and are not willing to have the company turn it into a common laborers job. We have lives in the balance every time we do something on an aircraft. I feel sorry for those of you who will continue to fly. You no longer have the safety net you had when we were on the property. Good luck and stay safe!

Received:  Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:14:58

I am amfa wife responding to your Oct 16 posting of a amfa wife/flight attendant. I have a hard time understanding how your husband can be on strike for NWA and your spouse helps keep the airline flying. No wonder the amfa strike has failed when our own members are more concerned about the money than principle. I don’t understand how you expected the other unions to honor our picket lines when our own members’ spouses didn’t. WE have survived as many other amfa mechanics have on my husband part time job and wives going back to work. So please in the future do not post remarks of amfa spouses that are working for NWA show some respect to families that their husband laid their future on the picket line. My fight is not with the other unions…just with amfa members whose spouses are still working for NWA!!!

Received:  Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:55:23

Dear AMFA,

I saw where you guys are taking emails, so I thought that I would write one as well. You know, I used to think of Northwest Airlines as a good company, this of course was back in the day when they actually acted as though they cared about the families. I do not understand one thing, the maintenance workers have given years of their lives to better the airline industry, especially my dad, who has worked for NWA for 33 years. We had a good life, just like all the rest of the workers. Then, NWA just ups and closes down Atlanta, we had to sell our house of 23 years, and move to Memphis. And now, my dad, one year from retirement, is doing miscellaneous work to earn some money. NWA is very greedy, and the people responsible for these actions will ultimately pay the price.  So, I just wanted to let the maintenance workers know that I support them one hundred percent, and hope that they will not go for this new proposal, take it from me, NWA is hurting, and they will suffer. The big wigs absolutely should be ashamed of their selves.  "But never fear, because they will have to answer for what they are doing, Remember, Jesus Christ stated that, "he who has great money, great things are expected of them, to give to the less fortunate." So, just remember these words and know that they will have to answer for what they have done, either in this life or the next, if they make it there.  I wish all the maintenance workers the best of luck, and also I wish my dad the best of luck. Hang in there guys and stay positive because the Lord will answer. And to those who orchestrated the plan and the scab workers, you all should be ashamed of yourself, and what goes around comes around.

Received:  Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:40:42

I've read and I've read, trying to make sense of it all. The one conclusion that I have made is this. It is now time to move on (as much as it hurts to say). The cards are not stacked in our favor folks! We all need to move on with our lives (and many of us have). It was for the most part a truly rewarding experience (after 22 years), but all good things come to an end. I cannot and I repeat, cannot see myself working for this comp. or ever entertaining the idea of working for a comp. as callous and evil as this one has been and continues to be towards it's employees.

We can sit on our laurels and point fingers all day long, but how productive is that. This comp. has invested an awful lot of $ into training us (just look at your MTR's). Use this to your advantage and fill in the gaps to a new career field. I wish each and everyone one of you (and the supporters) the very best that life has to offer. Remember, you only live once, and that once is now. I enjoyed working with all of you and will always cherish the memories ( we had quite a few), whether it be thawing out a DC-10 cargo door in sub zero temps or trouble shooting an FCC on our 757 fleet (or on my part, playing a practical joke or two) . We were there guys when the chips were down and got the job done (just remember that). I have such a tremendous respect and admiration for the folks I've worked with over the years (it literally brings me to tears). I'll not ramble on any longer. Take Care And God Bless You All,

Received:  Sun, 16 Oct 2005 12:52:52

After reading the latest proposal (if you can even call it that), I was appalled at the audacity of NWA and it's continued efforts to  abuse a group of talented, devoted, and hard working people!! The time has come to Say LOUDLY," WE HAVE TAKEN ENOUGH !" VOTE "NO" !!! Stand up for your personal integrity, which NWA has tried relentlessly to abuse.. in the end we will prevail! They will not succeed in business esp. a service industry by treating employees this way. How can the flying public believe their personal safety is a priority when they treat their employees like dirt...How can you trust a company like this???

Received:  Sun, 16 Oct 2005 14:53:38

My mother is a resident of a nursing home in New Brighton. While visiting her one day I was struck by some framed prints on a wall in a hallway. The prints were titled, "Respect, Justice, Hospitality, Peace, and Stewardship". I would like to include what was  "Respect" and "Stewardship".

Respect: Cherishing and promoting the worth of all human life. Treating every person with dignity and reverence. Honoring and supporting the spirituality of each person.  Valuing the dignity of all work.  Promoting participation of all persons in the decisions affecting their lives.

Stewardship: Utilizing human resources responsibly. Providing wise and respectful use of all material and monetary resources. Promoting conservation of resources and energy.

Doug Steenland, Andy Roberts, Kris Bauer, and Julie Hagen-Showers, can you face yourself in a mirror without being ashamed?

Received:  Sun, 16 Oct 2005 07:20:39

Vote "no" to the company's latest proposal. The company wins if this passes. We didn't go on strike to keep a few jobs and give back everything labor has won for its members over the years. If NWA wins this one, every airline will follow suit to bust the unions and lower the blue collar standard of living for decades to come. There will be nowhere else to go find a decent paying job in our craft. Don't let the "promise" of severance pay lure you to accepting this proposal. When has the company totally honored a contract? Once the company has a contract with AMFA, it will take that contract to the bankruptcy judge and ask that it be renegotiated along with the others. Don't believe NWA will honor its severance pay promise. Even if NWA were to pay the promised severance pay, how far would it take you? Severance pay will defer hardships for only a month. Selling out will guarantee hardship for years to come. Every striking and laid-off member needs to take their well-earned obligation seriously and vote "NO"! We are not the spineless cockroaches Roberts thinks we are. NWA is in trouble without us; let 'em fall!

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 21:31:26

I have to vote no. I have 17 yrs. with NWA and gave them my all, from long hours on road trips to that little extra to get the aircraft out on time. I have worked with skilled and dedicated professionals who did the same. Northwest does not want me, AMFA or my fellow mechanics. They had a hard enough time getting 500 scabs to replace us what do you think is left out there. I say let them go under liquidate and other more credible airlines will take their place. This was case of union busting at all costs, do you really want to work for a company that operates like this? It was a pretty good run, I met some good people, acquired some transferable skills, made some cash and enjoyed it until recently. Time to move on. Good luck everyone

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 19:37:36 -0500

I was out on the picket line today, Saturday, at the MSP terminal when we saw a man approaching from the departing gate side. Whenever someone walks over from there you've got to ask yourself "what could they possibly want".  Turns out he was a US Airway mechanic from Charlotte, NC. He just came over to wish us luck and to hold on. He also gave us $20 to have lunch on him, which we put in the food donation box at strike HQ. I asked how their BK was going and he said he didn't know or care since he was already laid off and enjoying  life. They let him keep his flight bennies so he was just up visiting. Thank you.

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 10:37:40 -0400

You don't think that thing will pass, do you? I only see a few of the guys here. Are the members that desperate? It pisses me off, too. My first
thought was that the negotiating team is trying to take some of the pressure off themselves. However, I know I'm out of the loop, and I have
no idea if that is correct. Regardless, the members have to stick together and keep the pressure on. The company may continue to operate, but it is damned uncomfortable for them, and Steenland and Andy have given up a big chunk of their control in bankruptcy. You are correct in your assessment of the situation. The bankruptcy judge, the creditors committee, and their future financiers may put a lot more pressure on them than we have been able to. Not to mention the other labor groups, should they wake up one day.

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 10:42:24 -0400

I really don't know anything about Andy Roberts except that he is the one who orchestrated the plan to use us as their "example." Unfortunately, I shook hands with the guy when the employees were invited to visit the new DTW terminal a few days before it opened. When I look back on it, I am amazed how motivated I was for so many years. I received letters of commendation, and exceeded expectations everywhere I went, and got tossed out on my ear. That tells me 2 things: Throughout my career I did what I was told, and did it well. Just like you and so many other guys. So the failure of the company tells me that we were being told to do the wrong things, which is the fault of management (big surprise). It also tells me that they threw this motivated group of people out because they are too stupid to figure out what to tell us to do to make the thing work. So the big question is; how long will it take Andy's house to sell if we are out there picketing in front of it every time they try to show it?

I share your feelings about the scabs. We haven't been out 2 months yet, and I can recall 3 instances of them in trouble for alcohol (the scab
hotel, the belt loader crash, and the DWI). That's a lot. The managers I've talked to can't believe that the company is making these guys
permanent. The sentiment is that if we don't come back, Tech Ops will be a joke. As far as I'm concerned we should just stay out and let them roll the dice. It is all a big game. We play with our jobs at stake, and the company plays with passengers' lives.

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 09:29:29 -0400

I'm with you on not working with the scabs. It has to be all or nothing. If the company and the scabs can beat us, so be it, but to allow them to stay as part of an agreement would be to condone their behavior, in my view. The union and the scabs can't both win. Even if they were required to join the union, the two groups are just too incompatible for it to ever work. Perhaps Andy knows that, and that is the only reason he would talk to the union. He is simply not going to let us come to an agreement. Since when has he become a man of his word, anyway? Come to think of it, I don't think I can go back until Andy and the scabs are both gone.

Received:  Sat, 15 Oct 2005 01:14:29 -0500

Mr. Steenland,

(And I say that as pointedly and disrespectfully as words may convey . . .)I am writing you today to call for immediate action from you and your executive management team. I, without prior consent or knowledge on part of the Professional Flight Attendant Association, demand your immediate resignations

I wake every morning, hoping to see a light at the end of the tunnel, only to find that the batteries in the flashlight are dying and the light continues to diminish. I sit here today in shock, dismay, and bewilderment, wondering how things have dramatically and drastically changed at this company since your appointment as CEO after Richard Anderson's departure. Anger, depression, and disgust vaguely convey the sentiment your subordinates cope with daily.

After having researched on nwa. com the career paths of the executive members= who currently lead this company, it is disgruntling to learn that not one of you has been employed by Northwest prior to 1991, including you. With barely 14 years of service, it is no wonder you and your team genuinely care little to nothing about the success and future of this company. You and the others, in all likelihood, will find employment at another company. We, the dedicated, hardworking, and loyal employees of this company, will remain long after your departure. Our success depends on the survival and viability of this company. With six-figure incomes, guaranteed and protected retirement, and stock bonuses, doubtfully you and your executive team are concerned with the outcome of NWA's current financial situation.

You have been quoted as saying, "Given the difficult industry environment and the continued financial pressures facing Northwest, the board is presented with the challenge of adopting executive compensation policies, including executive retirement programs, that provide incentives to help retain Northwest senior management while recognizing the airline's need to restructure its labor costs." That, in and of itself, is a paradox.  What you have managed to retain is a group of incompetent individuals who have done nothing more than guarantee the destruction and demise of a once flourishing company. The job market is flooded with individuals who are surely more qualified and willing to run this company for considerably less pay. The marketed and published vision of NWA is "to build together the first choice airline and global alliance network with the best people; each committed to exceeding our customer's expectations every day." To ensure this, The Checklist for the Future was developed, with one of five key elements being "Focus on People." And I quote, "By taking care of Northwest people-our greatest assets--they will take care of our customers and our customers will come back in increasing numbers to travel on the Red Tail.  We will achieve this objective through enhanced communications, fair and progressive labor relations, state-of-the-art training, and continued improvements to employee services and facilities. You and your executive team have not even honored your own hype and propaganda,

As I see it, the problem we face is NOT a result of 9/11, SARS, terrorism, the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, high fuel prices, the company's infrastructure, or the labor unions. The problem is incompetent and greedy management. Pyramid, or top-down, leadership is a functional design, when those at the top are intelligent, competent, labor friendly, and dependent on the success of the company for their own vested interests. I firmly believe that not one member of your executive leadership team meets these apparent qualifications. Obviously, with the departure of prior executives like Anderson, Jeff Putman, etc., they knew the management at this company is not employee friendly. Having historically had more striking unions than most other companies, this becomes apparent as well.

The negotiation process set up in the Railway Labor Act is intended for parties to reach fair and equitable agreements and to negotiate in good faith. As a layman, I recognize that NWA management is not negotiating in good faith, but demanding set concessions without explanation. You may feel you do not owe subordinates any explanation whatsoever, but I remind you, no company can operate without subordinates to do the "grunt work" members of your executive team wouldn't stoop to. Yes, Mr. Steenland, you are required to explain everything because we are who you answer to, not just the Board of Directors.

Now I may be labeled a renegade, but when explicit and implicit threats abound (tracking reserve and sick travel, requiring doctor's notes for sick calls, hiring replacement flight attendants, and publishing union-busting propaganda about looming possibilities of bankruptcy), you may call me what you like. Therefore, this is a call to action. Resign, all of you! Who will lead this company? I am bold enough to say I WILL. I will do your job. I will do your job better. I will do you job for considerably less compensation. Unlike your executive team unwilling to gamble on hedging fuel, I AM willing to gamble that I couldn't do a worse job than you are currently doing.  At a time like the present, thinking outside the box is unavoidable. Open your eyes, Mr. Steenland, and realize you and your executive team have reached your expiration date and it is time for your removal from the management shelf before your subordinates have to smell your spoil. Things are already profoundly rancid!

Received:  Fri, 14 Oct 2005 10:00:20 -0400 (EDT)

As to our fight and the last post on Local 33's website, it is so true about what this is all about. If you want to feel the cause see if you can catch a documentary on A&E I believe it was called "A fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez", or go to the UFW website. This is about all
labor, and this story shows you why we must hold the line and fight. Due to circumstances in my own life I will have to leave the line now(daughter's wedding out of state, and new Job out of state), and I'm already feeling the loss of non-participation. I've missed three day's of walking the line since the 19th of Aug., and yet I feel guilt at leaving my brothers and sisters to continue this fight without me. I tell you this though wherever I go, whatever I do, I will still fight this battle. I will find a place to walk the line (ours or any other that fight's for labor's rights!) or do whatever is needed. You out there that have done nothing to help your Brothers and Sisters, co-workers, friends should feel ashamed! You that still work inside NWA need to wake up and stand up...many of you are to lose your jobs...lose them with pride and fight the good fight. Goodbye my Friends!

Received:  Fri, 14 Oct 2005 10:32:16 EDT

Hi, guys just wanted to let everyone know that there is a lot of people concerned about us, I recently flew back from PDX on United Airlines and had to connect through DEN and had a maintenance delay on an A320 for a couple of seatbacks in the aft cabin where I was located and when the mechanic came on board and was having a difficult time fixing the seats, I offered my assistance and told him I was mechanic for Northworst Airlines and he gladly accepted my assistance and asked me a lot of questions about our strike and noticed everyone listening to our conversation, Well the F/A told me to have a seat , but the mechanic told her it was okay and who I was and she stepped back and watched , when I returned to my seat many pax in the area thanked me for jumping in and started asking me many questions and I was happy to tell them about all the safety issues that Northworst was having and that's why I was flying on United Air and that they should continue to fly other carriers. Everyone wished us luck and were upset about the lies they were reading and hearing on the news, So we are not alone, people out there are very concerned . I only offered my assistance because I was hungry to turn a wrench, I miss my job as a Tech and all my co-workers , but I don't miss NWA and their losing management team. Keep up the good work guys and spread the word where ever you go about our situation. I am sure it will make a difference.

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