The Red Tail Movie Project
Support NWA striking mechanics while cleaning your closet!
Stand in solidarity with local workers. NWA mechanics have been striking for some 281 days strong and they need your support. A new documentary film, The Red Tail (, is in production to tell the stories of NWA workers. To make this film a reality, striking mechanic Roy Koch is taking a REAL grassroots approach to helping the filmmakers raise their budget, by selling your stuff on Ebay!
Clean out that closet or basement or garage. Do you have old airline tools? How about a collectable? A car? There are millions of things that could be sold on Ebay!
We'll be grilling outside, while filling the infamous "Is NWA Safe?" truck with goods for Roy to sell on Ebay! Join us as we bring the issues of the strike, outsourcing, and safety back into the view of the national flying public.