Mesaba Negotiations update:  June 28, 2006

Court was back in session today at 9am. The direct testimony of AFA's financial expert who is testifying on behalf of all three unions was finished and was followed by
Mesaba's cross examination. AFA then called their staff attorney, David Borer, to update the court on negotiations. Mr. Borer was cross examined by Mesaba. AFA then
rested it's case.

AMFA called lead negotiator Kevin Wildermuth. Mr. Wildermuth updated the court on AMFA negotiations and explained in detail the further reduction of the AMFA
headcount in the most recent company proposal. Mr. Wildermuth also explained how AMFA had received the recent true up proposal from Mesaba the Friday afternoon
before the beginning of the hearing. Mr. Wildermuth was then cross examined by Mesaba. AMFA then rested it's case.

Mesaba called their only rebuttal witness, Steven Black of Mercer. Mr. Black was called to rebut testimony related to Mesaba's business plan model.

Closing arguments will made Thursday morning at 8:30 am.
