Mesaba Negotiations update:  October 11, 2006

The AMFA negotiating team met with Mesaba management this afternoon to work out language differences in several articles of our contract. At this point, we have
been able to set most articles aside and consider them acceptable to both parties. However, there still remains some differences in a few articles over which we must
come to agreement before we can consider the language portion finished.

In court today, the unions finished presenting their cases. Kevin Wildermuth, the AMFA Negotiating Committee Chairman, did testify this afternoon. He stated that
AMFA had not received any proposals concerning snap backs or equity claims from Mesaba before September 21. This testimony should prove vital in countering
Mesaba's portrayal in court that they had already complied with Judge Davis' "Remand Order" concerning bargaining over these two issues in negotiating sessions prior to

We expect Judge Kishel to rule on the Company's 1113c motion at 1pm on Thursday. There are several possible scenarios for the outcome and follow-up to this
ruling. However, his ruling, one way or the other, will certainly usher in the end of the arduous Section 1113 process as far as the survival of Mesaba Airlines is
concerned. The risks are very high for Mesaba, the employees and their unions. Mesaba Airlines is a Company that is seriously at risk. One thing is certain, your AMFA
negotiating team is still committed to achieving a consensual agreement with Mesaba Airlines and will continue efforts to that end.
There is a strike hearing scheduled in court on Friday between the Unions and the Company. The NMB has already intervened by filing through the US Attorney's
Office. We expect other parties may intervene in a similar fashion.

An update will be sent out after the decision is handed down tomorrow.

Nathan Winch and Kevin Wildermuth