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          On August 19, 2005, in a lawsuit entitled Mesaba Aviation, Inc., Plaintiff v. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, AMFA Local Unions 5, 33, and 38, and O. V. Delle-Femine, Nathan Winch, Neil White and James Schafer, Defendants, the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota granted Mesaba’s request for an injunction, and issued the following order against all of the defendants and all AMFA-represented employees at Mesaba: 

Defendants, their officers, agents, members and employees, and all persons acting in concert or participation with them, in any manner or by any means, are prohibited from directing, calling, causing, authorizing, inducing, instigating, conducting, continuing, encouraging, engaging, or taking part in any primary or secondary slow down, sit down, work stoppage (including refusal to cross picket lines whether established by striking employees of Northwest Airlines or of others), strike or picketing of Mesaba’s premises, until the procedures of the RLA have been exhausted as it relates to the CBA.  This order shall not be construed to prohibit lawful primary or secondary strike activity by persons other than Mesaba-AMFA employees bound by the CBA.

AMFA hereby withdraws and rescinds its repudiation of the no-strike clause in Article 2.D of the AMFA-Mesaba CBA.

AMFA rescinds any orders, directions, requests or suggestions to Mesaba’s mechanics to do any act that has been enjoined by the above order of the Court.

AMFA hereby directs all Mesaba mechanics and related employees to immediately comply with the Court’s order, and to refrain from doing any act that has been enjoined by the order.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that AMFA will initiate disciplinary proceedings against any Mesaba mechanic who violates the above Court order.


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