Notice Of Injunction At Mesaba Airlines


Date:            October 24, 2006


To:      All AMFA represented employees at Mesaba Airlines


            1) Please take notice that on October 23, 2006, Judge Kishel of US Bankruptcy Court in Minneapolis issued the following Order applicable to AMFA and all AMFA-represented employees at Mesaba:




1. Pending entry of final judgment in this adversary proceeding, Defendants Air

Line Pilots Association, International, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO, and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, together with the named individual Defendants in their official capacities as officers, agents, or employees of ALPA, the AFA, and AMFA, and together with their agents, successors, deputies, servants, and employees, and all organizations and persons acting in concert with them, are enjoined from calling, permitting, engaging in, instigating, encouraging, participating in, authorizing, or approving self-help of any kind, including but not limited

to any strike, work stoppage, action that Defendant AFA names “Create Havoc Around Our System” or “CHAOS,” sick-out, slow-down, or other concerted refusal to perform normal employment duties.


2. All of the Defendants named in Term 1 and all other persons acting in concert with them shall take all reasonable steps within their power to prevent the actions described above, and shall refrain from continuing such actions if commenced.


3. Defendants ALPA, the AFA, and AMFA shall notify, by the most expeditious means possible, all of the employees of the Plaintiff who are members of those organizations, of the issuance, contents, and meaning of this injunction, and shall provide a copy of all such notices to counsel for the Plaintiff.


4. The injunction set forth in Terms 1 through 3 above shall not apply to named Defendant Greg Wertz, that person being no longer in the active employ of the Plaintiff and therefore no longer having official capacity with Defendant ALPA.


5. The injunction set forth in Terms 1 through 3 above shall not apply to named Defendant Duane E. Woerth, upon the end of his term of office as President of ALPA, International; and, upon the end of that person’s term of office, this injunction shall apply to the person who assumes the office of President of ALPA, International.


6. Pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 7065, the Plaintiff need not file a bond as a condition for the effectiveness of this preliminary injunction.

2) Pursuant to the above Order, AMFA hereby directs all Mesaba Technicians, Mechanics and related employees, to immediately comply with the Court’s order, and to refrain from doing any act that has been enjoined by the above Order.


3) The June 12, 2006 notice previously posted remains in effect (i.e. “Important Notice: To All AMFA Represented Mesaba Employees No Strike Unless Called by AMFA’s Acting National Director, Steve MacFarlane.”)


4) Note that the above Order does not enjoin or prohibit “… any individual union-member employee from leaving the employ of the Debtor in his or her own right. Nor will it be construed to bar the Unions’ exercise of their rights to engage in free speech to the public, via “informational picketing.”” (Order p. 37, footnote 35). Therefore, employees continue to have the right to resign their employment or to quit; employees continue to have the right to exercise free speech, and; employees continue to have the right to engage in informational picketing.



Steve MacFarlane, Ast. Nat. Director, AMFA National


Ted Ludwig, President Local 33


Dennis Sutton, President Local 5