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AMFA Local 33 Nomination Notice 

AMFA Local 33 is accepting nomination for vacant positions at AMFA National. Local 33 may submit the name of one active or active associate member in good standing as a nominee to fill each vacant position. 

AMFA National has posted a nomination notice for a National Officer Special Election in accordance with the Constitution Article VIII, Section 4 to fill the following positions.  

National Safety and Standards Director (active position, may be part time as decided by NEC)

Region II Director (active position, may be part time as decided by NEC)

Industrial Safety Coordinator (will be considered an inactive position by the NEC)

  •  Remaining term of office will commence on the first day of the month following the certification of the election and will expire at 11:59 PM ET on October 6. 2008.

  • Duties of the National Officer Positions may be found in Article VI of the Constitution.

  • All non-probationary, active or active associate NWA (includes members on strike) and Mesaba members of Local 33 in good standing are eligible to nominate for, or be nominated to these positions.  You may nominate yourself.

  • Nominees must meet the eligibility requirements of the AMFA Constitution, Article VII, Section 1.

Nomination forms are available at the Local 33 office and the Local 33 web site at amfa33.org. Nomination forms will be accepted at the Local 33 Office delivered in person, by US Mail or by FAX at (). Forms must be received at the Local 33 office no later than 4:00 PM, Friday February 17, 2006.  

Additional information regarding a runoff election if required will be provided in a separate notice that will be mailed to all eligible Local 33 members at a later date.



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