Nomination Notice - Local 33 Vacancy


AMFA Local 33 is hereby accepting nominations for the following Local 33 Position due to Kerry Rustan accepting the Industrial Safety Coordinator position with AMFA National.


Safety and Standards Chair


q       Remainder of term of office will be through January 16, 2007.

q       Duties of the Local Executive Council positions are described in the local 33 Bylaws Article III, Section 2. 

q       All non-probationary, active NWA and Mesaba members of the Local 33 in good standing are eligible to nominate for, or be nominated to these positions.  You may nominate yourself.

q       Nominees must meet the eligibility requirements of the Local 33 bylaws, Article IV, Section 2.


Nomination forms are available at the Local 33 office and the Local 33 web site at . Nominations forms and nomination petitions if required for nomination eligibility, will be accepted at the Local 33 Office in the RED election committee box or delivered via FAX at (). Forms must be received at the Local 33 office no later than 4:00 PM on Wednesday June 21, 2006.


Additional information regarding this election will be provided in a separate notice that will be mailed to all eligible Local 33 members at a later date.

Nomination form