Information provided by AMFA Local 33 as a courtesy to the MSP airport Police Department

Your Individual Responsibilities

Federal Aviation Regulation 107 gives the airport the responsibility of providing security identification badges for each employee who must work unescorted in airport security areas. The airport reserves the right to suspend or terminate the access privileges of any airport, airline, tenant, or other badged employee. Suspension or termination of the privileges shall be the direct result of bypassing the airport security system, compromising airport security, or violating the airport security program. 

You have specific responsibilities as airport security badged individuals working in AIRPORT SECURITY AREAS.


  • DISPLAY valid airport issued or approved security identification above the waist on the outermost garment at all times. Special ID and training are required for specific security areas. 

  • CHALLENGE persons not displaying valid security identification.

  • COMPLY with airport and tenant access controls. Access to security areas is for job performance only.

  • OBEY lawful orders or directions from the airport issued in furtherance of the airport's master security program, Federal Aviation Regulations, or the airport's security ordinance.

  • REPORT any violations of security rules, regulations, programs, and laws to the Airport Police Department at . 


  • POST OR DIVULGE security codes of any sort including those for badges or locking mechanisms.

  • ALLOW ACCESS to any person who you do not personally know to have unescorted access rights to secured areas. 

  • TAILGATE OR PIGGYBACK or allow tailgating or piggybacking to occur through any access point. Each badged person entering a secured area is required to gain access by use of their own valid security identification or proper escort. 

  • BYPASS OR CIRCUMVENT doors, gates, perimeter fences, or any other means used to control access to secured areas.

If you are found in violation of security rules, regulations, programs, or laws, you may be cited under the airport's security ordinance which involves mandatory court appearance or an in-house program providing for graduated penalties for violations occurring within a 12-month period. Additionally, your actions may result in penalties imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration. 

Security of Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

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