The Wall of Shame
(Updated list on: August 15, 2006 - marked by * )

(Please keep in mind that when names are posted, that doesn't mean they crossed on that day.  Some may have taken longer to confirm than others)
(airport code is where they were when we went on strike)

Click on links to see photo of the SCAB

Michael Adams #238491  
Anthony Aguirre #061730
Bryan Allen #237204 (SEA)
Michael Allen #140986  
Bill Allington #061969
Manny Alonso # 061687
Lenny Alves #061885
Ali Amsal #061665
Mark Amundson #061893
David Anderson #232933 (ORD)
Mark Anderson #141084
Mike Anderson #141736
Ty Anderson #235428
Bryan Antonell #009749
Jadie Arndt #236042
John Augustine #061917
Thomas Averbeck #009767
Mahmoud Baali #060748
Xuong Bahn #0909632
Jason Barber #235284 (BOS)
Manny Barbosa #060901
Blaine Barnes #230893
Roger Baski #110159
David Bassett #228865
Harold Beckett #060663
Jim Benko #090882
Steve Benson #202279
Mike Berg #090823 (DTW)
Alan Berger #180721
Malcom Berner #141272
Robert Bernstein #051790
Fred Bertram # 090643
John Bertzyk # 217507
Dennis Beumer #030669
Daniel Beying #232921
Brian Bisping #201214
Jim Black #141218  
Paul Black #201290
Mike Blanchard #228517
Dan Bloemke #060906
Lamont Blomberg #220871
Bruce Blomberg #228223
Craig Blount #230999 (DTW)
Bob Blue #141623
Peter Boe #090900
Gerald Bohlinger #090923
John Bolger #140738
Jim Boldt #060430
John Bolte #235941
John Bohnhoff #202844 (DLH)
Steve Bogue #228749  
Mark Bradseth #06005
Scott Breuer #141110
John Brewer #060647
Richard Bridge #095675
Michael Brockmeyer #060986
Anthony Brown #202671  
David Brown #218785
Ryan Bucknum #256054
Mark Budesky #051709
James Bunkholdt #230867
Rodney Burt #060961
Mitchell Byl #110454
William Byrne #090808  
Gary Cahoy #228935
Tom Camilli #091383
Ronnie Cannon #104231
Curt Carlson #209913  
Jim Carlson #140678
Rex Carlton #140730
Mike Carter #091206  
Paul Chan #021938
Allen Charley # 235388
Melvin Christensen #141692
Dan Christopher #021908
Thomas Chevalier 069871
Dennis Chvatal #147644
Jeff Cielocha #021828
John Cihunka #021668  
Michael Cilibrasi #143492
Carl Closmore #140197
Michael Cole #202131
Willard Comstock #141023
Peter Conlin # 207586
David Conniff #233058  (DTW)
Michael Corrigan #021931
Glenn Corriveau #021515
Thomas Cox #091019
Tom Crawford #069733
Richard Dahlke #094529
Eric Dake #095206
Wendell D'Albey #094661
Patrick Dalton #140269
Joe Damiano Jr. #094670
Don Daniel #141183
William (Wes) Davidson #144306
Tom Delacy #094644  
Larry Denzer #264936
Tony Desoto 095202
Thomas Dickey #141542  
Mike Dickie #212699
Frank Diekmann #094966  
Peter Dietzler #148355
Briant Dittman #110333
Brian Doege #094904
Randy Donker #232624  
Dale Driscoll #094957
Albert Drummer 230850 (DLH)
James Drummond #140220
Steven Duffala #094524
Kevin Dunn #095322
Gary Dunst #094368
Cleo Durant #166776
Stephen Eggleston #104856
Jeff Edwards #140475  
David Eicher #140041
Mike Eide #035936
Dean Elliott #204788
Teriano Encabo #258179 (EWR)
Scott Enerson #232920
Doug Erbey #035859
Chad Erickson #234128
Richard Erickson #140047
Thomas Estep # 110247
Ross Ewalt #141235
Christo Farran #235269 (BOS)
Michael Fellows #026791
Anthony Fischer #229240
Dave Fisher #066819
Michael Fisher 146793
Scott Fisher #096334
James Floeder #232923
Benny Ford #180581
John Foster #147563
Dave Francis #096465  *
David Fridberg #140686
Hisau Futami #226993 (SEA)
John Giancana #097891
Evert Giles #140270
Steve Gjorvadt #207696
Steve Glaser #065874
Don Golofski #065598
Raymond Good #065851
Thomas Goodwill #097306
Thaddeus Gorycki #065637
Paul Gosselin #097994
Carver Graham #097506
Jeffrey Gruhlke #243499
David Gruver #206247
Fedrico Guzman #065751  
Peter Hajjar #213725
Allen Halvorson #235805
Bob Hance #087372
Brad Hanson #087057  
Michael Harless #227980
Timothy Hautman #235382
Daniel Haakinson #028588
Peter Hackert #058892
Robert Hager #087216
Boyd Hanson #234277
Dean Hanus #228375 (DLH)
Mark Harinen #087450
Greg Harris #200361
Paul Harris #235604 (ANC)
Roy Harvey #087438  (DLH)
Timothy Haubrich #236151 (DTW)
Timothy Hautman #235382
Nathan Hawkinson 243202
Tom Hed #140551
Roger Hedstrom II #207023
Tom Helisek #087864
Roy Hendrix Jr. #104399 (MCO)
Darrel Heroux #231020
Christopher Hesch #087240  
Thomas Hess #058196
Gilbert Hightower #230335
Kevin Hill #087504
Leon Hintz #211615
Neil Hoadley #009540
Howard Hoffman #221864 (DTW)
Phil Johnson #070747
John Hornyak #087414
Robert Hunter #254339
Sean Hunter #225285
Michael Hurley # 087441
Kent Isaacson #140395
Dennis Issaacs #009416
Tom Iverson #009347
Michael Izquierdo #234661
Rudy Jaffola #142976
Steve Janney 140525
Neal Jensen # 234541 (LAX)
Joe Jessop #070803
Loren Johansen #140996
Christopher Johnson #140282
Dewayne Johnson #090250 (ORD)
Gary Johnson #070232  
Lee Johnson #232219 (SFO)
Phil Johnson #070747
Tom Johnson #070916
Chris Jorgenson #140904
Joseph Judkins #090006
Dave Jungmann #090232
Dale Kaiser #205180
Bosko Karazda #200777
Mike Kasper #243384  
Steve Kaufmann #203959
Don Kelchner #051020
Michael Kelley #200803
Paul Kennedy #149626
Tim Kepner #203987  
Brian Ketchum #051013
Dennis Kieffer #081850
Dean Kieper #081860
Rick Kigin #140883
Craig Kirby #081995
James Kissel #180010
Roger Klegin #235114
John Klein #109810
Daryl Klesser #051588
Kenneth Klingenberg #081895
Kurt Kluzak #230836
Thomas Knapp #229763
Rick Kobler #140931
Roy Konicek #081858
Gerald Kosse #081384
Paul Kostecki #051002
Kevin Krabbenhoft #213350
Robert Kraft #081846
Matt Kuhn #051492
Dave Laatsch #100079
Jay Lackmann #233059
Mike Lambrecht #055979
Dan Lapadula #055608  
Gary Larson #140862
Kelvin Larson #235933
Connie Latzer #222646
Thomas Laumann #055889
Gary LaValle #140997
The Van Le #055366
Travis Learing #236917
William Leidecker #055546
Aaron Lemke #147541
Brian Lett #074658  
Rick Leverson #141460
Kenneth Lewis #140023  (ORD)
James Leyde #055206
John Lieberman #055202
Gerald Lind #055344
Steve Lind #055001
Nancy Lipinski # 233590
Robert (Mitch) Lowe #055912
Dan Loehlein #055172
Marylou Lowe #055006
Roxanne Lowell #126594
Jerry Lucente #055403
Charles Luchka #200590
Robert Luehr #140985
Jeffery Lund #235927 (LAX)
Steve Mack #141633
Van Mackie #140230
Nabil Madani #075814
Chuck Mankus #075887
Larry Manno #052754
Thomas Manthey #235806
Paul Mara #219432
Daniel Martin #052995
Stan Martin #047525
Rich Mast #047708
David Mathieu #052507
Richard Matsuura #047866
Paul Mattfield #233576
Scott Marshall 233898
James Maurer # 075612
Lloyd McCloud #242837 (ATL)
Jonathan McCoy #233024
Dennis McDermott #074775
John McGovern #211612 (DTW)
Pierre McKean #108463
Glen McTier #052519
Yemane Mehari #227974 (SEA)
Doug Messner 141477
Curt Meyer #047846
Thomas Meyer #140991
Thomas Meyerhofer #077165
Mike Michailidis #205727
Paul Michaud #141598
Dan Middleton #233817 (DLH)
Chad Miller #233272 (DLH)
Ronald Miller #047473
Bill Miller 024178
Kenton Miller #140462  
Mark Millerbernd #204912
Lawrence Mills #110432
John Millonig #047871
Vido Minarovic #232564
Steve Modderman #047663
Nishan Moolah #075679
Ed Moore #075847
Timothy Moore #140629
Dale Morphew #141236
Jeff Morrell #047993
Tracy Morrison #235620
Wayne Morse #047695
Guy Mueller # 140839
Emmett Mulchay #052662
David Murphy #052914  
John Myint #140845  
Jon Neace #074488
Brian Nelson #123990
Dean Nelson #207862 (DLH)
Glenn Nelson #074492
Mike Newbauer   #074187
Wayne Nickson #074470
Eugen Nitescu #215044
Jeff Nolder #074324
Mark Nordstrom #146222
Jeff Novacek #074421  
Ladonna Oakes #045695
Jim O'Brien #141578
James O'Donnell #204128
Eric Olson #228359
Carl Orth #045898
Edwin Ortiz #045875
Brian Orr #075042
Tade Osita #045820
Tom Oss #045851
Robert Ostenson #108468
Ronald Palkicki #253983
Scott Palmer #140025
Gary Pankratz #056099
David Parrish #140568
Ricky Pederstuen #056073
Timothy Petersen # 056653
Rich Peterson   #204317
Robert Peterson #056438
Vinh Pham #206133
Mike Pierce   #056241
Doyle Piper #208562 (DLH)
Edwin Plattner #086836
Dan Porter #225221
Larry Poziembo #086844
Randy Pramann #141584  
John Pugh #056173
Steve Purves #056666 (MKE)
Jeff Rager #141130  
Shamsundar Ramcharan #088871
Ken Reed #207991  
Joseph Rehovsky #141619
Dennis Reilly #039008
Mark Reitz #231403
David Rhodes #039543
Cord Richardson #200530
Mike Richardson #140112
Jonathan Riesinger 243202
Harold Rishel #039673
Nathanial Roberts #144144
Gary Robillard #039207
Randy Robole   #200585
Jim Rock #039025
Eugene Roerick #039307
Jamison Ross #141247
David Roush #200789  
Bob Rowe # 140311
Randall Roy #109951 (MCI)
Mike Ruud #110327
Surasit Sakulmarka #017418 (DFW)
Chuck Sassor #203406
Philip Sattler #091573  
Jerome Sazuro #222359
Ronald Schilda #091831
Ted Schmidt #200596
Larry Schnitzler #017942
Delray Scholtes #203073
Doug Scholz #141004
Randall Schlotte #091529  
Curt Schramm #025851
Travis Schrawyer #233903
Eugene Schultz #025662
Paul Schumacher #201759
Vincent Scrudato #085886
Bob Seibert #141601  
Doug Selby #059436
Edward Seltzer #091926
Steven Serantoni #091792
Richard Sevenbergen #232720
Russ Sherman #085773
Mohamed Shouman #110243
Howard Sickman #235412
Santosh Sinah #218012 (PHL)
Theodore Slowiak #091997
Dan Skallet #110218
Mike Slattery #201735
David Smith #085908
Donald Smith #104261 (DCA)
Mike Smith #109601
Mike Smith #017872
James Solseth #202924
Richard Sorenson #059799
Jerry Sowells #017817
Dave Spaeth #017538
James Spight #017582
Thomas Spinner #017630
Barney Spurr #146550
Al Stangl #085673
Bradley Steiner #212956
Scott Strader #240380
Ray Strickland Jr. #235615
Terry Stormoen #246905
Jesse Stygar #235411
Pete Swartz #025651
Mark Szatkowski #141259  
Thomas Szydlowski #141022
Melaku Tadessee #235433
Harold Tallent #085189
Tim Tatley #140892
Bill Terpening #080784
Andrew Tholke #085177
Dave Thomas #141143
Terry Thurn #218165
Thomas Toborg #080772
John Tomes #140872  
Patrick Trainor # 140580
Roger Truax #080521
Paul Twedten #080959
Mike Tzenes #080726
Jeff Undesser #141014
Daniel Vanderveen #140550
Kao Vang #206461 (DLH)
Louis Vega #052230
Mark Verdugo #243122
Ed Vigilante Jr. #052146  
Larry Volk #140221  
Thomas Vosmek #236753 (ATL)
Diep Vu 222024 (DLH)
James Wagner Sr #096563
Bernie Walbroehl Jr. #096663
Lewis Walker #105219
Russull Waletski #236751
Arnold Walters #141761
Martin Watters #227991
Dave Wegleitner #052444
Leroy Weidall #024561
Russell Welch #084557
Russ Welsh #009047
Michelle Weisgram #212709  
James Wentzlaff #235066 (EWR)
Ernie Weresch #228587 (PDX)
Theodore Wiger #084611
Russell Willis #141597  
Mark Wilson #141732  
Michael Wilson #205034
Roy Wilson #084846 (ORD)
James Winterhalter #229164
Dave Woehrle #200772
Patrick Wog #235729
Ronald Wojciechowski #110153
Joe Woods #140571
Dan Yanity #025538
Mark Yoshida #141060
Jim Zach #108393  
Chris Zielinski #219865 (SEA)



Behold the fallen; the ones without honor, without integrity, these traitors of labor and of friends. Shadows of the men and woman they once were. They will walk through life in a vain effort to rid themselves of the vile odor of their betrayal, blaming everyone except themselves. For through their weakness and treachery they have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver, and have forever become lost. Look well and remember the names and faces of those who through their deeds can no longer be trusted. - Mike Klemm -



After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water-logged brain, a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts he carries a tumor of rotten principle.

When a scab comes down the street men turn their backs and angels weep in Heaven, and the devil shuts the gates
of Hell to keep him out. No man has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his body in, or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with.

JUDAS ISCARIOT was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his Master he had character enough to hang himself - a scab has not. Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas Iscariot sold his Savior for 30 pieces of silver. Benedict Arnold sold his country for the promise of a commission in the British Army.

The modern strikebreaker sells his birthright, his country, his wife, his children, and his fellow man for an unfilled promise from his employer, trust or corporation. Esau was a traitor to himself. Judas Iscariot was a traitor to his God. Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country; a strikebreaker to his God, his country, his family, his class.

A real man will never scab

- Jack London -


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 42 BC -




This page happens to be the most visited page on the AMFA Local 33 web site.  It is not only being looked at by people from MN, but all over the country.  These people will forever be known as SCABS, no matter where they go.  They have no principles.   They have become slaves of Northwest Airlines and will cower to whatever wishes the corporate thieves dictate.  They have endorsed whatever actions NWA is going to do to their employees in the future.  

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